Well, last night, I helped my roomie cook dinner (salmon, rice, swiss chard, white burgundy wine), played with Marcello (I had every intention of snuggling with him all evening, but he had other ideas), and had my first Skype experience. J is still in Florida with his family, and his sister is a big Skype fan (living in France and all), so we had a Skype call. I had to load it on my roommate's MacBook (my old computer has no video), but finally had success! So, anyone who wants to Skype with me when I get my MacBook in the fall (ahem...cousin Jeff in Madrid??), just let me know.
I do have a couple of funny photos of Marcello that Maureen took on Sunday evening. We were making fajitas and drinking Corona Light...and Marcello apparently wanted in!
Don't report us to PETA...he didn't actually drink any, although I had a hard time getting the bottle away from him!