Thursday, April 3, 2008

Updates, A Wedding, and the Baby Boom

I had a fantastic time in SC at my friend Katherine's wedding. Between dancing at the Bachelorette Party, catching up with old friends at the weekend's events, seeing a dear friend happily wedded, and fighting with an old roommate to catch the bouquet it was an eventful weekend! Unfortunately, I did not take such great care of my allergies, so I now have a touch of bronchitis and a hoarse voice. Oh well, I have 3 weeks before our next concert to get rid of what Maureen has deemed the "Aida hack".

I'm planning on resting A LOT this weekend so that I'll feel better next week and hopefully have some version of my voice back. Other than that, I really don't have a whole lot going on for the next few weeks.

Recently, I've noticed that many of my friends are pregnant or have had babies. There is definitely a Baby Boom going on in my circles! I am very excited for them all.

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