Friday, April 3, 2009

A Nice, Hot Bath

One of my Fall/Winter/Spring luxuries is a pre-bedtime bath. It's too hot for a soak in the warm tub in the summer, so I stick to baths in the cooler/cold months. When I'm freezing to death going back and forth to my car in the evenings during January...I so look forward to that hot bath!

Usually, I pour myself a small glass of port or madeira, get my book, put some soothing music on my iPod and just relax. Baths are especially nice when I'm in training for some race or event. They are also the best way for me to unwind...particularly on nights when I get home from rehearsal at 10 or 10:30 and need to be asleep by 11 or 11:30!

I have always loved evening baths, but lost the routine part of it in college because I had no tub. As soon as I graduated and rented a house, baths again became a part of my bedtime routine. When I lived in SC, I often would start bathtime at 9 PM (I was much less busy then!), light candles all around my room, turn off all the lights in my room and the bathroom, and soak for hours! Now, if I lit candles, I'd have to blow them out in 30 minutes, so I typically leave that step out. I do occasionally add bubbles, bath salt, or scented oil to my bath experience to make it special, though.

When I was at Disney World last month, Lauren and I stopped off at the Grand Floridian and popped into Basin to check out their wares. They had a special where you could fill a tube with Bath Bombs for $20. I got about 8 bombs, and have been enjoying them every now and then with my baths. My favorite so far has been "Serenity". Anyway, Monday night I threw a Lemongrass bath bomb in...and started noticing little flowers popping out of the bomb. Ok, really, they looked more like weeds. And the water was reeeeeaaalllly yellow. I guess that is supposed to be luxurious or spa-like...but it felt really weird to me! Like I was bathing in a yellow lake of sorts...definitely not my favorite! Once I drained the water, I had to clean out the tub. I would have taken a picture, get the picture...I couldn't go get my camera downstairs because I had nothing.....ok, please don't get that picture!

I'm hoping that the rest of my fancy bath bombs don't have any strange weeds embedded in them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I miss baths. My tub at my apartment leaks which is eternally frustrating so I only get a full bath for about 10 minutes.

yet another reminder I can't wait until I have my OWN place with a good tub =)