Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 New Years' Resolutions

Here they Resolutions for 2011!  Most are repeats from last year that I really want to complete.  When I made my resolutions last year, I had no idea how hectic 2010 would be with a wedding, buying a house, etc.  I am hoping for more time in 2011 to be disciplined in my resolutions, and ultimately, in my life!

1. Complete a 365 Day Photo Project - While sometimes a bit of a burden to take a photo every day, for the 2 months I completed this last year, I really enjoyed it.  It is especially entertaining to look back on the photos and remember those days.  This year, in preparation, I have a great new point-and-shoot camera, a working way to transfer the photos to my computer, and a battery charger.  So...unless I lose any of those items again...I have no excuses for not completing the project this year!

2.  Read the Bible through in a Year-  Again, like last year, this is something I really want to do...and would benefit me greatly as a daily devotional.  Enough said.

3.  Make it a priority to have at least one "date night" with my husband a week-  Currently we have tried to set aside Tuesday as "date night".  Perhaps I can use the blog to keep me accountable on this...let's hope by the end of the year I have 52 "Date Night" posts.  Hmmm.

4.  Run/Exercise at least 3 times a week- In 2010, I probably managed to average exercising 2 times a week after taking a month off after the Goofy Challenge.  Since I mentioned in my last post that I've gained 7 pounds since this time last year (2 over the course of the year...5 since the wedding and our gluttony-filled honeymoon), I really need to have some discipline in my running.  It really is the best way for me to stay fit and at a healthy weight.  I'm signing up for a March half-marathon to jump-start my January with some long runs and a reason to train!

5.  Lose the 7 pounds I've gained since last year.  My clothes fit the same..but I feel "blah" and blob-ish.  Time for some January clean-slate healthy eating and exercise motivation!

So, as you can see, I'm trying to be a little more conservative this year, and hopefully I'll be able to complete these year long projects!


Mrs.Rock said...

I like 'em!! Dan asked me to read the Bible through with him and I told him I'd think about it!! Bad, huh? It's because I'm working on a bible study. Definitely good to makes dates a priority now so it will be in your routine when babies come!

Rachel said...

Go get it Page! I see no point in doing New years resolution maybe 6 month new baby resolution will fit me better. Look for mine in September...haha!