Monday, August 24, 2009

Marcello is a Kitten Who lives in Our House

Since we are determined that Marcello is going to be a musical cat, Maureen and I sing to him when we are cuddling with him. It's usually anything from lullabies to made up songs (like the one in the title. The strange thing is that I can't get the song I made up out of my head. Every time I see him, I sing to myself "Marcello is a kitten who lives in our house". And he is. But I feel quite silly wandering around with a made-up song in my head. Here are a few cute pictures of Marcello for your viewing enjoyment:

I bought him a tunnel (along with the fancy "Kitty City")

Keeping cool while I get ready in the morning

Helping me pack my crate for the triathlon

Speaking of the tri, it was yesterday. I finished...2 minutes slower than last year, but I finished. It seemed much harder this year, maybe I didn't train as well? I'll have a full report over on my running blog complete with pictures hopefully sometime this week.

Other than that, things are pretty normal in my world. Hopefully they will somewhat stay that way, but who knows?

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