Thursday, November 4, 2010

Some More Numbers...November Edition

What's that?  I have a blog, you say?  No, NO!  Blogs are supposed to be updated regularly...

Yeah.  About that.  Oops.  Anyway, in keeping with my last numbers post, I thought I'd add a few more:

Days until the wedding: 16
Tasks on my To Do List to Complete: 26
Tasks already completed from the List: 187
Miles I'm hoping to run before I wear a wedding dress: 22
Days of Work before I'm married (and mini-mooned): 6
Clues from my intended about where we are mini-mooning: 16
Guests attending our wedding: 148 (including us)
Chick-Fil-A Sandwiches I can eat before the wedding: 0
Pieces of Wedding Cake I plan on eating: 2 (one of each flavor)
Bathing suits I need for our mystery-mini-moon: 1
Steps from the street to the 3rd floor in my new house: 58
Pieces of furniture that moved up all 58 steps: 5
Days my muscles hurt after moving: 3

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Love it!!! So excited