Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Early Summer

Signs that it's almost summer (and certainly feels like it outside!):

-I've switched to iced coffee in the morning. As much as I love my morning cup of coffee, I just can't bring myself to have a hot drink when it's warm in my room and I'm about to blow dry my hair. Last year, I found a great cold-brewed iced coffee recipe in the New York Times. Deliciously cool. :)

-My long, pink terry robe has been exchanged for its short, white counterpart.

-Summer bedding (white and light blue flowers) is on my bed.

-I'm walking around with a permanent glistening sheen on my face. No amount of powder can make this go away...so I simply embrace it as "glowing skin".

-Walking outside feels like getting hit by a wall of someone's hot, sticky breath.

-I only have the desire to drink beer or cold white wine. Red wine and martinis are out.

-I'm wrapped up in my blanket at the office more frequently since the thermostat gets set to 60 in the summer. No wonder I never completely acclimate to the heat...

-The very last thing I want to do is go run. Even on the treadmill at my office in the cool, air-conditoned gym.

-Our visitor, the kitty cat, thinks that this is the best time of year to snuggle.

-I have a strong desire to have appetizers at the Severn Inn.

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