Monday, June 9, 2008

Hot, a Little Tired, and Quite Busy

While I know the "official" start to summer is a few weeks off (well... the summer solstice, that is), it sure feels like summer has reached Annapolis! We've been sweltering in crazy heat and humidity! I spend some of Saturday outside at a wine and food tasting, and it was HOT! I had two swigs of water for every swig of wine. :) We finally turned the AC on at our house, but it's still quite steamy on the top level (where my bedroom is). I may have to make a trip to sleep in the basement soon...

Last week at my company's conference was really fun. I stayed out way too late, but had a good time. I may write more about it later, but here are a few funny highlights:

-One of the British guys falling into the fountain
-My manager getting knocked off her barstool by a drunk coworker
-Lots of dancing
-A bar that reminded me of scenes from Coyote Ugly
-Crazy clients
-My coworker being asked on the Metro if she was pregnant (she had her bag in front of her!)

All in all it was a fun week. I'm still trying to catch up on sleep though!

I start rehearsals for a summer opera production tonight. I'm looking forward to it, even though it involves some very long days! I had to pack 3 meals to bring to work with me today!

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