Thursday, June 19, 2008


As many people have found in their lives, sleep can be quite a mystery. Why do we have a hard time sleeping when we are exhausted? How can too much sleep make us tired during the day? Why are dreams so strange?

Anyway, I've been thinking about sleep a lot recently- mostly because my sleep patterns have been a bit out of the ordinary for me in the past few weeks. Over the past few years, I've gotten into a pretty consistent 11 PM-7 AM sleep schedule. When that is interupted, I tend to struggle (as an aside- I know my mommy friends are laughing right now when I talk about interupted sleep...yes, yes, I know if I have kids I'll wish for the days that getting only 6 hours of sleep makes me exausted...but for now as a single gal with few responsibilities, I've got to comment on it!). Monday night, I was up late after rehearsal chatting. Then Tuesday night, I was exhausted from going all day, running 4 miles, and having a 2 hour rehearsal. I managed to get into bed early, but couldn't fall asleep! It was terrible- Wednesday became such an exhausting day for me! Thankfully, last night I slept like a rock.

I just find it interesting that I used to survive on 6 hours a night or less...and be fine. Now, one night of 6 hours throws me off for days! I experienced the same thing at our Users' Conference 2 weeks ago.

When I sleep, I also have super-vivid dreams. They can be quite entertaining, and quite disturbing. I find many desires and fears revealed in my dreams. Which makes sense because dreams are supposedly our subconcious minds communicating with our conscious minds.

So there you have it- what's been on my brain for the past few days....Sleep. :)

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