Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tuesday Tidbits

I'm resorting to another bullet point post:

  • For some reason this week, I've been very productive in the morning...and then my productivity crashes in the afternoon. A caffeine-induced energy, perhaps? It's too bad that I can't have caffeine in the afternoon.
  • Someone hit my car a few weeks ago in a church parking lot, and it's now in the shop for repairs. For the second time in a year. The good news, however, is that I have a rental car. And it has satellite radio. So I've been enjoying stations like The 80s on 8, the 90s on 9, and the MetOpera station. My commute to and from work now involves listening to as many different stations as I can.
  • My sinus issues keep clearing up and then reappearing...last tonight and today it feels like someone is stabbing a knife behind my right eye.
  • I have some fun activities planned for the next few weekends...the Chorale gala, going to a few performances, Piano Bar...and at the end of the month the big trip to NYC with my friends to celebrate my 30th birthday. So fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for delurking! I'm blogrolling you today and adding you to my reader =)

I LOVE satellite radio; I don't have it but my parents do and when I ride with them which is rare, I eat up the 80s and 90s stations.

Been there, done that with sinuses I hope you feel better soon!