Thursday, October 1, 2009

October Makes Me Happy!

There is just something about the changing of the seasons that is quite appealing to me. I think it must be the fact that I love change. Even so, Fall has always been my favorite season. Perhaps because summer temps are always so hot...and it is lovely to look forward to cooler days and cold nights in the sweltering days of August! I have waxed eloquent on my love of fall in at least one blog post each year... see here, here, and here.

I was thinking the other day that I used to have so many free weekends in the fall when I could just relax, throw open the windows, clean the house (there is just something about a clean house and pretty fall weather) and enjoy the season. Now, my weekends of late have been chock full of things to do. I really need to slow down a bit. The problem is that I love to be busy and tend to overbook myself. Now that we are done singing for the Jewish High Holy Days, I hope things will slow down a bit. While I am still running crazy mileage numbers, the only other "regular" weekend activity will be Navy Football games. While those require some prep-work...once we are there it is usually a fun and relaxing time.

This weekend is the Navy vs. Airforce game. My roommate Maureen's sister went to the Air Force Academy, and her brother went to the Naval Academy, so everyone meets up for the game every year. Her Mom and Sister arrive in town tonight, and we are planning a tailgate extravaganza for Saturday. It should be a fun time with yummy food...shrimp salad canapes, crab dip, beef, chicken, and veggie kabobs, homemade brownies, snackie snacks, and much more. Oh, and champagne of course! Since we now have Navy season tickets, Maureen and I have gone all out and acquired a 10x10 gazebo tent, more folding chairs, and some Navy gear. I've always wanted to be an avid football fan and tailgater...but never really had the opportunity. So, I think it's going to be a fun season!

On Sunday I've been roped into running the Metric Marathon as part of our Goofy Challenge Training. My running partner Lauren runs this race every year, and wants to do it again this year. It's 16.3 miles (26K). We are supposed to be running 13 miles that day. So, my options are run 13 miles by myself, or run 16.3 in a race with about 150 people who will likely all beat me. Hmmm. I'll take the race, thank you! The last time I ran 11 miles by myself I thought I was going to gouge my eyes out from boredom. And I was listening to an audiobook...

I've carved out some "Page" time Sunday afternoon post-race and post-race party. Hopefully I'll be able to do things like catch up on laundry, read my ever-growing stack of magazines, and rest. I definitely need that to recharge...

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