Thursday, March 13, 2008

Don't Flush the Toilet...I'm on the Phone!

I realized recently that I have rediscovered a pet peeve. People talking on their cell phones in the restroom. Really, it's less of a pet peeve and more of a "Really?". I'm not the biggest cell phone fan under any circumstances, but I think that having a complete conversation on your cell phone in the restroom is just plain rude. It's rude to the others you are disturbing in the restroom and forcing to hear your conversation. It is also rude to the person you are talking to...especially when they can hear flushing in the background.

My rediscovery stems from a few encounters I've had with an employee and her cell phone here at my office. My first experience was about a month ago when I walked into the bathroom and heard someone in the last stall talking. I wondered if she was talking to me...until I heard more of the conversation. I don't want to be too graphic, but there were signs that she was not just "hanging out" in the restroom on the phone. Ewww.

Last week, I pushed open the restroom door and heard someone screaming "You bleepity bleep bleep! I can't believe you bleep bleep!". There was no one in the stalls, and the voice was clearly coming from the changing room. I quickly left the restroom...not wanting to walk into the middle of a domestic spat occuring on a cell phone. It made me very uncomfortable. I went back into the restroom 10 minutes later, and the same woman was still on the phone, crying and screaming. I left again. A few minutes later, I checked again and was able to go into the restroom without being assaulted by an angry voice.

I understand not wanting to have intensely personal conversations out in the open at one's desk. But the restroom is not a private place either! Some of the same people who can hear the conversation at your desk can hear it in the restroom, too! If I have a personal call that I don't want anyone to hear, I go oustide if the weather is nice, and to my car if it is not. This woman in particular always seems to be taking personal calls, so maybe she would be spending all her time outside. She always takes those calls into the restroom- WHETHER SHE IS USING THE RESTROOM OR NOT. The restroom is not a personal phone booth or conference room for employees to hold cell phone conversations! Now, in the interest of full disclosure, I must admit that I have answered the phone while standing in the restroom before if it is a family member or close friend. I usually say- "Hey, I'm standing in the restroom...can I call you back in just a minute?" I'm sure that they are thankful I don't continue the conversation with flushing in the background!

Really, I think we just need to learn to be considerate. Even if someone doesn't mind having a conversation with you on a cell phone while you are in a public restroom, it can make others in the restroom uncomfortable! So please, try to consider your fellow women and take your conversation outside.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Page! Glad I found you again --

Not only does it make you uncomfortable, but interfering with someone's bowel movements is never a good thing! hahaha!