Thursday, March 20, 2008

Holy Week and Easter

For some reason, I tend to get homesick for SC every year around Easter. It's the only time of the year that I really get homesick for the state itself. I think part of it is usually that it's been a while since I've seen my family. I also miss the spring-like weather of SC. While it's 70 there in late March and the dogwoods are blooming, it's still 48 and windy here.

When I was growing up, Easter was always one of my favorite holidays. On Easter morning, the Easter bunny would leave a trail of chocolate eggs to my sweetgrass Easter basket filled with yummy and cute things. As I got older, the chocolate became Godiva and the gifts were always pampering things like make-up and perfume and jewelry. I would hunt for eggs in the backyard. We ate Easter dinner in the dining room with the Peter Rabbit china and the sterling silver. In high school, my friend Sallie and I would always trade Easter baskets. Holy week Episcopal church services and a glorious Easter morning service were always a part of the mix as well.

My first Easter in Annapolis snuck up on me quickly and steathily. I hadn't even thought about the fact that it was my first Easter (that I can remember) away from SC and my parents. I'm not sure what I expected, but I went to church, and with the exception of a breakfast and a cross-centered message, the service was no different from any other Sunday. It was also cold, rainy, and cloudy. I got so homesick and emotional during the service that I cried the whole way home! Thankfully, my cousins Claire and Jeff called about 5 minutes after I was home to tell me that Claire and her husband Aris were in Baltimore visiting Jeff and invited me up for the afternoon. I was so thankful for that invitation so I could spend some of my Easter with family!

The next year, I was asked/invited myself to sing at an Episcopal church in Annapolis. That was one of the best moves for me because even though I was away from my family, I had just seen my mom the week before and being at the service really felt like Easter to me. I didn't live at Maureen's house yet, but I went over there for Easter dinner. After that year, I resovled to spend Easter at an Episcopal church no matter what! Last year, I was singing there, and was still overcome by a bout of homesickness. I had not seen my family since Christmas (which was almost 4 months gone at that point) and I really missed them! I kept crying in the middle of the church service! Apparently, my mom was missing me too, so my Dad bought her a ticket to fly up and see me the next weekend.

This year, I think I have the emotions under control. :) I'm singing all of the Holy Week services at an Episcopal church, I saw my Dad a few weeks ago, and I'll be in SC next weekend. Too bad it's taken 4 years to figure out how to combat the homesickness. I suppose I could just plan to go to SC for Easter, but then I'd probably experience the same emotions I had this year at Christmas.

I love Holy Week services at an Episcopal church. Even though I have a different theological perspective than I did when I attended an Episcopal church, I like the reflective attitude that comes from the Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services. And I love the joyous music and attitude that permeates the Easter morning service. I do truly believe that we should celebrate Jesus' death and resurrection every day, but I also like having a day set apart each year to really celebrate it. It's like a birthday in a sense. We should be thankful for life every day, but it's nice to have a special day each year to celebrate our birth.

So, I'm looking forward to being in church the next 4 days...singing beautiful music in minor keys today and tomorrow....and listening to those keys changing to ethereal and strong major keys on Sunday. Hopefully, the minor keys will cause reflection, and the major keys celebration.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Bring on the celebration!!!