Thursday, March 6, 2008

Random Tidbits

1. I seem to be getting the sneezes. I've had a burning sensation in my nose for the past 12 hours, and I keep sneezing. Supposedly tree pollen is starting to come out. I guess that is why...let's hope that my sinuses don't start up until the concert is over this weekend!

2. Someone put odd pictures of rabid-looking raccoons on the back of the stall doors in my office bathroom. I have no idea what the significance of this is. I just know it is strange...

3. The other day, I was driving home in semi-darkness. After stopping at a light, I saw an LED glow emanating from the car beside me. Some guy had his laptop on the console between the seats, was typing, and on the phone. Then, when the light changed, he continued typing, talking, and was driving. Scary.

4. I've become a terrible procrastinator in the past few weeks. It took me a month to go get my passport photos taken so that I could renew it. "Passport photos" was a line item on my To-Do list every day... I just never got around to actually doing it until this past weekend. Lazy.

5. I'm signed up for a triathlon in August. Since I've completed a marathon, completing a triathlon seemed like the next logical step. I'm not a great swimmer, but I'm excited to get better at it. Some recent exercise has shown me that I need to get my arms back in shape, though!

6. **Warning: vague language ahead** I've officially crossed a line I thought I would never cross in an effort to make myself feel less helpless in regard to a particular situation. I've watched some friends cross the line, and I've stood and contemplated crossing this line quite a few times. Now I've done it, and I feel much less helpless. Please don't think this is a moral or spiritual line I've crossed... really it's more of a "best practice" type of line! Since I'm not sure who reads this blog, I didn't want to put what I've done out on the internet, but I felt it needed documenting. If you really want to know what I've me.


Rachel said...

What did you do?? you are nuts. When are you going to come see us?

Anonymous said...

#3... that was me!!!

Naw, but I am slightly addicted like that.