Friday, May 9, 2008


I think May is always a bittersweet month for me. Here in Maryland, May is when the weather finally stays nice (yet, as I write's 57 and raining outside...take the last sentence as a generalization). The flowers are blooming, the air is nice, I've usually adjusted to the pollen...I like May. But, often May is also the end of things- a school year, a school career, non-summer activities...

I wrote last summer about how much I don't like summer. All non-work organized activities seem to come to a halt (Chorale, church activities, etc). May usually signals the end of those. It really does amaze me how the world runs on a 9 month "school" schedule...even for those of us not in school!

I'm attempting to stay busy this summer, though. Between looking for houses, training for a triathlon, a few trips, and an as yet undecided upon opportunity, I hope that I will not fall into the rut I managed to find myself in last summer!

But back to May. While I don't think I suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), I am always happy when we can venture outside again into the nice weather. I've been spending a lot of time on our deck as well as time outside exercising. Even our crazy neighbor has been out more...though that is a scary thing. I'll have to recount her antics in another post. But, for those of you who have heard the Sound of Music piano bar police story...yeah. Wouldn't surprise me if that happens again soon...

1 comment:

pjeever said...

If Ron's decidedly 'blue" tune last night didn't bring her out - I'd check on her status. But, I suppose the windows weren't open.