Friday, November 2, 2007

Concert Week Conflama

I love singing in the chorus that I do. It's fun, sometimes challenging, and usually musically fulfilling. Unfortunately, my least favorite part of singing occurs the week before a concert. Everyone is often a bit on edge, and some people get very territorial about where they sit on the risers. I don't have a specific preference, but I am usually concerned about who is seated around me. For a chorus that can sound as good as we do, we have some people who have serious pitch and tone issues. And of course, they are usually the ones who sing the loudest. So, as long as I am not near those folks, I'm usually pretty happy.

The only time I've had anyone in the chorus be anything but pleasant to me is when it comes time to line up on the risers. I sing in a small group called the chamber chorus that is sometimes grouped in the middle of the stage. My very first concert, the chamber chorus was told to get in the middle of the stage. So I did. The woman behind me complained and complained that I was too tall, somewhat rudely asked if I was in the chamber chorus, and then proceeded to declare me a giantess. At 5'7". I wasn't even wearing heels that night...

Last year, I was instructed to make sure there was room in the middle risers for two of our better sopranos. In the process of trying to do that, I was chewed out and told that I must think I'm "special" because I'm in the chamber chorus.

After these two incidents in the past few years, I decided that I'm not going to get in an argument with anyone about where I sit. If we back up and look at it in perspective...does it really have any eternal value? I just get frustrated because I know I've worked hard to learn the music and improve my voice, and it's hard to sing the best I can if I'm not in a good spot. However, after last night, I'm giving up my noble idea of not fighting for my spot.

To make a long story short, after another fairly rude interaction with a chorus member (who was in the wrong place anyway), I just didn't want to cause a scene and not move. So, I moved to the very outside on the very back row with a friend of mine. We tried to move closer in, but couldn't get by without making a scene. So, essentially it felt like we were singing into paper bags. Both of us were frustrated and annoyed that we had been forced out of the spot we thought would have worked better for us, and where we were to begin with.

These concert week dramas are starting to wear on me. I dread them. Those of you that know me well know that I hate conflict. I'll do just about anything to avoid it...including walking out of the room. So, it's sad that it seems I have to go through some form of conflict to get to do what I love. Once we get to the concert (for the most part) I'm fine. It sometimes makes me want to quit singing in this chorus. I ponder it, but I know that I would not be happy the rest of the time if I were not. So, I guess I'll put up with the obnoxiousness that is our seating arrangements and just try to sing my best, even if I know it could be better.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Page! Glad to see you are on blogger too now!
I'm sorry to hear you have to deal with drama at chorus - bleck. At least you are sticking it out!
Also, you wouldn't happen to know any good RSS readers, would you? I'm at a loss with mine....
hope you are well! and it was SO good to see you!
-Sara Smith