Tuesday, August 19, 2008

And Vacation Comes to an End...

Well, I am safely ensconced back in my normal life in Annapolis. Here's a quick recap of the last few days in Maine...

Friday we drove down to Stockton Springs, ME where Jean and John keep their sailboat. The morning was cool and foggy, but by the time we got on the boat the sun was brilliant and intense. It was an absolutely gorgeous day- low 70s for the temp and beautiful sun. We sailed for about 4 hours. Since I am not experienced in sailing (steering, moving the sails around, etc), I got to just go along for the ride. For me, sailing was quite a relaxing endeavor! We finished the day off with a nice dinner at a local restaurant and bar.

Saturday was another relaxing day on the lake...lots of reading, Olympics watching, a little water-skiing, and a cookout with friends.

Oh, and on Thursday, Maureen managed to catch a fish on the lake:

Jean and I on the boat

Serious sailor Maureen

Maureen and Jean

My attempt at an artsy shot of the sail and the sky

Our drive home on Sunday was long, but fairly uneventful (no accidents, bikes falling off the car, etc.) Now, I think I'm back into the swing of regular life again...just in time for the triathlon this weekend and Chorale rehearsals that start up again next week!

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