Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wednesday Vacation

This morning, it was a beautiful day so we decide to visit Acadia National Park. I wanted to get a bike ride in, so we loaded my bike on the back of the car, and after a brief stop at Dunkin Donuts for some sustenance and coffee, we were off! The park was really crowded since it was such a lovely day. We drove part of the Park Loop road, and were dissapointed to run into fog at Thunder Hole. As we drove around to Jordan Pond, I decided that I would bike the whole Park Loop road (about 20 miles). Jean, John and Maureen dropped me off at Jordan Pond, and I headed out. My very first mile was a hill. A big hill. I almost called Maureen and asked her to come pick me up! However, I knew if I stuck it out, the whole ride would be worth it!

Truly, it was one of the most incredible rides I've ever had. The weather was perfect, about 70 degrees and sunny and pretty clear. I had my new fast bike, and the Park loop road is spectacular. It is also incredibly hilly. Which was good for my training, but absolutely wore me out! Thankfully, each time I got to the top of a hill, I was met with the most amazing views. It really was a fantastic ride...I loved speeding down the hills, as well!

After my ride, the rest of the group picked me up and we headed up to Cadillac Mountain. Every time I've tried to come to Acadia in the past and go up to the top of the mountain, it's been rainy or cloudy. Not today. The views really were stellar. On one side you can see Frenchmen's Bay, and on the other, the Atlantic Ocean.

Foggy Thunder Hole

Sand Beach while I was on my bike ride

The Atlantic Ocean
One of the hills...

View at the top

Schooner coming out of the harbor

Sun on the water
My poor bike was very tired after all the hills and decided to nap on the grass

I decided to join her

Frenchmen's Bay from the top of Cadillac Mountain

Porcupine Island

Up the coast of Maine

Looking West

My poor, tired feet!

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