Friday, July 25, 2008

Piano Bar

After a 1 month hiatus, it's time for Piano Bar at the Home For Wayward Chorus Girls again. I realized that a lot of my readers don't know about Piano here is the long, short story.

A couple of years ago, my roommate Maureen was given her mom's Baby grand piano. To commemorate the occasion, she decided to host a party with a few piano-playing and singing friends. Since the party was all about the piano, she called it piano bar. A bunch of us were into drinking martinis at the time, so she decided to serve those at the "piano bar" as well. A few folks brought some show tune books along...and dramatic singing chaos ensued! Piano Bar became a staple at the HFWCG.

We try to have a Piano Bar party every month....but sometimes schedules prevent that. There is a core group of regulars...and other attendees come and go. It's now affectionately known as "Mo's Piano Bar". Some evenings we'll have 20 people...other times only 6 or so. Some nights we have a "late shift" of theater performers, and other nights it's a mix of lowly chorus members and non-singers. But whether it's a crazy, chatty piano bar, or an intimate sing-along...we always have fun! Mo has even gotten into trying out new martini recipes...which makes for some interesting drinks. My favorite time of the evening is always when Mario pulls out the "100 greatest love songs" book and we rock out to 80s ballads. :) A Disney song or two often find their way into the mix, as well.

Tonight seems as if it will be on the very small and intimate side...which is fine. That means I'll actually get to sing a few numbers without having an audience. When it's a big crowd, I prefer that the audience watch my interpretive dance skills instead of listen to me sing. It also means more time for "100 greatest love songs" and I won't feel as if I need to flit from group to group chatting with everyone.

If you're in the area and want an invite to any Piano Bar...let me know. If you're a'll love it! It's really just a bunch of people who love to sing getting together and having fun. If you're not a'll still love it! Come hear some very talented folks, enjoy a martini, and have great conversation.

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