Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Random Bulletpoints

- Apparently I've lost weight. I don't see it and the scale only shows about a 3 lb difference...but I've had 4 people comment recently that I look like I've lost weight. I'll take it...I suppose what people see is probably more important than what I feel anyway! Must be all the triathlon training.

-Now that the show I was in is finished, I feel a bit at loose ends. I can't remember all the things I put off "to do after the show is over". It's funny- when I don't have a lot going on, my to do list gets so long that it overwhelms me. Yet, when I'm busy, I don't have a to do list and my world doesn't fall apart. Makes me wonder if the items on my to do list are THAT important. Maybe I should do away with the to do list...

-Now that I have unstructured time again, I realized that I need some thinking, reflecting, and praying time. Just to recharge, re-evaluate and figure out what I'm doing again. As long as the storms hold off tonight, I think I'm going to hop on my bike and ride down to Thomas Point Park. I've never been inside the park, but I've heard it's beautiful...surrounded by the South River and the Bay. I love seeing a beautiful place for the first time, so I'm looking forward to getting down there. I'll probably take my journal and my Bible with me. So, I'll get an 8 mile ride in, as well as some good Page and God time. Nice.

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