Thursday, July 24, 2008

Political Aspirations

Although my conscious mind has no political aspirations...apparently my sub-conscious does. I had a dream last night that I was trying to marry the governor of some Southern State (it wasn't clear which one...but we're talking DEEP South). That wasn't working...and then suddenly I was the governor.

I got to live in the mansion all by myself, and my friend Kathi was my personal assistant. She was in charge of helping me get ready for my inauguration...especially the Ball. She and my other advisors suggested that I wear a wedding dress, since most of the people of the State had been hesitant to elect a single female...and wearing a wedding dress might give them hope that I would one day get married (never mind the fact that they apparently voted for a 29 year old woman with no political experience...). I refused to wear a traditional wedding dress, but did get an ivory crocheted gown. When I type sounds horrible...but in my dream it was beautiful. I gave a great speech and outlined my goals for the term which included saving the environment (understandable) and legalizing marijuana (no joke... I have no idea where that came from..definitely not on my political agenda!).

Then I woke up...and I was laughing. I have no idea where that dream came from, but it sure was entertaining!

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