Friday, October 10, 2008

The Blog Topic Stream Has Dried Up

In my quest to blog every day for the month of October (NaBloPoMo), I have to post something today. Since I arrived at work this morning, I've been racking my brain in between trainings and actual work in order to come up with a suitable blog topic. I've had a lot to write about this week (trip to NC, the Opera, the Thursday commute...), but now the blog fodder has dried up. I suppose I could blog on the NaBloPoMo topic for the that might open up a whole can of worms that I would like to leave the lid on! Political discussions can be painful enough in person these days!

I thought about posting what I'm up to this weekend, but that is kind of boring. Chores, Habitat for Humanity (not boring, but I won't have much to say about it until it's over), getting my hair cut and colored, a cookout.....definitely things that are better written about after the fact.

Last week, I mentioned that at some point I want to write about my personality changes as I've grown up, but I'm not feeling reflective or inspired today, so that's not really an option. When I attempt to be deep while I'm not in a reflective just comes across as cheesy and insincere. That's not something I want to be...

But, hey! Look! Like Seinfeld, I've managed to write a whole blog post about nothing...well, nothing significant, that is. A blog post about not knowing what to post about. How clever!

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