Friday, October 24, 2008

End of the Week Musings

I've realized a few things this week:

1. No matter how much easier it is to go into a Friday with no trainings scheduled, having no trainings during the day makes it drrraaaaggggg...

2. After tracking all of my calories in this week, I apparently eat more than I thought I do. No wonder my weight tends to always stay the same, even when I'm an exercising fiend.

3. I cram my weekends way too full of stuff...some of it self-imposed (like chores and organizing), some of it imposed by others (emergency rehearsals), and some of it that is too fun to pass up (dinners with friends, fun shows, and dates). Maybe next weekend I'll finally have some time to lay around and do nothing...oh wait. Next weekend is a concert weekend...

4. I'm terrible at fixing mechanical things. Whether it's my computer moving slowly or my sunroof not closing (oh the sunroof drama I've had this week...thankfully, I found non-residue duct tape) I seem to have a knack for being frustrated by things I can't fix.

5. Fall-scented candles are relaxing mood-lifters for me.

6. I've become a bit obsessed with having an organized closet. It's a little sick actually. Everything is perfectly lined up and soon all the hangers will match.

7. I need to exercise more. I feel so great's just the getting myself into gear that's hard.

8. This makes me laugh. Maybe one of my crafty readers can crochet (or knit) me a Sexy Turkey Hat? Who would've thought that a Turkey Hat could be sexy? :)

So, while it's not been a particularly enlightening week, I did realize a few things...

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