Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Support the Arts!

As my regular readers/friends know or have guessed, I am a big fan/supporter of the Arts. Music in particular, but I have an appreciation for all of them. As a late 20-something, I'm not able to be a huge financial supporter of the arts (I live a comfortable lifestyle, but I would not be able to hand an Arts organization $2000 "just because"). However, I give huge chunks of my time to supporting the arts as a performer, and in the past year I've been on a quest to see more live performances (music, theater..and even a few art galleries). And yes, most live performances cost money.

Based on conversations I've had with those in the Arts recently, and news clips that I've read, I think we can make the statement that just like the economy, Arts organizations are in a crisis. Don't believe me? Opera Pacific closed it's doors, the Washington National Opera "postponed" it's Ring Cycle, and the New York City Opera is holding on by a tiny, fraying thread. This does not bode well for the future of the Arts in our country.

I am often frustrated when I invite friends to my concerts, and they say, "Oh, that ticket is too expensive". Why is it that we think performances should be free? It's nothing personal...I'm not upset that they don't want to come see me...but that they will miss out on a good performance. When I say "community chorus", I imagine people think the quality is going to be bad. Let me tell you, it's not. While we are not "professional", what we do is good. And worth $33 for a ticket. Maybe I'm just not selling it well. Support of the Arts is crashing almost as quickly as the stock market these days. I'm not saying that I expect "Joe the Plumber" to pay $30 for a music concert instead of buying food. But there are plenty of us that have not been hit too hard by this economic crisis and need to step up our support.

But Page, why should we support the Arts? Well, I think the reasons are different for everyone. I write about my relationship with music often, and I still can't quite describe it. Personally, I believe that the Artistic realm displays the creativity of God's creation, and thus brings glory to Him. The Arts also reflect His glory, and they show us that beauty can exist in a world that is becoming more and more depraved. Who doesn't want to hold on to something that is beautiful, when fear, ugliness, and despair are threatening to take over the hearts of many?

So, wherever you are, I challenge you to go out and support the Arts. Instead of buying a new pair of shoes, go to a concert. Need a Sunday afternoon activity? Don't sit on the couch watching tv- head to an art gallery or museum. Take your little girl (or boy) to the ballet. Spend an evening watching passion light up the stage at the opera.

**A quick shameless plug for my "community chorus"....click here to buy tickets to any of our Christmas performances...I'm telling you....you won't be sorry you did...Both the Celebration of Christmas and Messiah are bound to get you in the holiday spirit!**

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