Saturday, November 1, 2008


I think in life, I have a tendency to forget how privileged and blessed I am in so many ways. Materially, monetarily, spiritually, physically (good health), and other ways. But often while performing during concerts, it strikes me that all the little annoying things I focus on in my musical endeavors prevent me from seeing the amazing privilege it is to perform great works of great composers with a talented conductor, talented orchestra...and dedicated chorus. When I think about all of the amazing works I've had the chance to perform, and the cool things I've gotten to do...I'm embarrassed by the pettiness of my complaints about what happens during rehearsal. Ultimately, having to sing next to an under-pitched voice, an uber-vibrato voice, or a harsh-toned voice is worth it. And thankfully, for this concert, I'm surrounded by basses and the only soprano I hear happens to be my favorite person to sing next to-she has a lovely voice, knows the notes, and is very easy for me to blend with. I am blessed, indeed.

**If you want to read my attempts to explain my relationship with music, try here (this one has links to old xanga posts on music, too), or here.**

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We do the uncommon, surrounded by the beautiful, with the absolutely dedicated, for the love of music. It's awe inspiring and humbling and uplifting and magnificent all at the same time. Relax, enjoy - play your game and commune with God through the music. It makes for a much more fulfilling experience.